81. Special provisions relating to under–billing
(1) Where the assessing authority or an officer not below the rank of an Assistant Commercial Taxes Officer authorised by the Commissioner in this behalf, has reason to believe that the value of the goods shown in the sale or purchase bill, invoice or VAT invoice is less than the fair market price of such goods, he may seize the goods and shall conduct an enquiry to determine the actual market price of such goods and where, after such enquiry, he is satisfied that the price shown in the sale or purchase bill, invoice or VAT invoice is less than the market price, he may, after seeking approval of the concerned Deputy Commissioner (Administration), proceed to realise the amount of tax to be paid as per such approved market price of the goods, in addition to the tax already paid in respect of such goods, along with a penalty equal to the additional amount of tax so levied, from the owner or Incharge of such goods.
(2) In case the owner or Incharge of such goods fails to deposit such amount within the specified time, the goods so seized shall be sold by auction and the additional amount as determined under sub–section (1), along with the expenses of auction, shall be realised out of such sale proceeds by the assessing authority or the said authorised officer.
(3) The owner or Incharge of the goods shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity of being heard before initiating action under sub–section (1) or (2).