6. Obligation of manufacturer or producer of final products and a provider of output services.
(1) The CENVAT credit shall not be allowed on such quantity of input used in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods or for provision of exempted services, or input service used in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods and their clearance upto the place of removal or for provision of exempted services, except in the circumstances mentioned in sub-rule (2).
Provided that the CENVAT credit on inputs shall not be denied to job worker referred to in rule 12AA of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, on the ground that the said inputs are used in the manufacture of goods cleared without payment of duty under the provisions of that rule.
[Explanation 1. – For the purposes of this rule, exempted goods or final products as defined in clauses (d) and (h) of rule 2 shall include non-excisable goods cleared for a consideration from the factory] (Inserted by the Notification Dated 1st Mar 2015)
[Explanation 2. – Value of non-excisable goods for the purposes of this rule, shall be the invoice value and where such invoice value is not available, such value shall be determined by using reasonable means consistent with the principles of valuation contained in the Excise Act and the rules made thereunder].(Inserted by the Notification Dated 1st Mar 2015)
(2) Where a manufacturer or provider of output service avails of CENVAT credit in respect of any inputs or input services and manufactures such final products or provides such output service which are chargeable to duty or tax as well as exempted goods or services, then, the manufacturer or provider of output service shall maintain separate accounts for-
(a) the receipt, consumption and inventory of inputs used-
(i) in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods;
(ii) in or in relation to the manufacture of dutiable final products excluding exempted goods;
(iii) for the provision of exempted services;
(iv) for the provision of output services excluding exempted services; and
(b) the receipt and use of input services-
(i) in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods and their clearance upto the place of removal;
(ii) in or in relation to the manufacture of dutiable final products, excluding exempted goods, and their clearance upto the place of removal;
(iii) for the provision of exempted services; and
(iv) for the provision of output services excluding exempted services,
and shall take CENVAT credit only on inputs under sub-clauses (ii) and (iv) of clause (a) and input services under sub-clauses (ii) and iv) of lause (b).
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service, opting not to maintain separate accounts, shall follow any one of the following options, as applicable to him, namely:-
(i) pay an amount equal to six per cent. of value of the exempted goods and the exempted services; or
(ii) pay an amount as determined under sub-rule (3A); or
(iii) maintain separate accounts for the receipt, consumption and inventory of inputs as provided for in clause (a) of sub-rule (2), take CENVAT credit only on inputs under subclauses (ii) and (iv) of said clause (a) and pay an amount as determined under sub-rule (3A) in respect of input services. The provisions of sub-clauses (i) and (ii) of clause (b) and subclauses (i) and (ii) of clause (c) of sub-rule (3A) shall not apply for such payment:
Provided that if any duty of excise is paid on the exempted goods, the same shall be reduced from the amount payable under clause (i):
Provided further that if any part of the value of a taxable service has been exempted on the condition that no CENVAT credit of inputs and input services, used for providing such taxable service, shall be taken then the amount specified in clause (i) shall be six per cent. of the value so exempted.
Provided that in case of transportation of goods or passengers by rail the amount required to be paid under clause (i) shall be an amount equal to 2 per cent. of value of the exempted services.
Explanation I.- If the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service, avails any of the option under this sub-rule, he shall exercise such option for all exempted goods manufactured by him or, as the case may be, all exempted services provided by him, and such option shall not be withdrawn during the remaining part of the financial year.
Explanation II.- For removal of doubt, it is hereby clarified that the credit shall not be allowed on inputs used exclusively in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods or for provision of exempted services and on input services used exclusively in or in relation to the manufacture of exempted goods and their clearance upto the place of removal or for provision of exempted services.
Explanation III. - No CENVAT credit shall be taken on the duty or tax paid on any goods and services that are not inputs or input services.”
(3A) For determination and payment of amount payable under clause (ii) of sub-rule (3), the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service shall follow the following procedure and conditions, namely:-
(a) while exercising this option, the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service shall intimate in writing to the Superintendent of Central Excise giving the following particulars, namely:-
(i) name, address and registration No. of the manufacturer of goods or provider of output service;
(ii) date from which the option under this clause is exercised or proposed to be exercised;
(iii) description of dutiable goods or output services;
(iv) description of exempted goods or exempted services;
(v) CENVAT credit of inputs and input services lying in balance as on the date of exercising the option under this condition;
(b) the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service shall, determine and pay, provisionally, for every month,-
(i) the amount equivalent to CENVAT credit attributable to inputs used in or in relation to manufacture of exempted goods, denoted as A;
(ii) the amount of CENVAT credit attributable to inputs used for provision of exempted services (provisional)= (B/C) multiplied by D, where B denotes the total value of exempted services provided during the preceding financial year, C denotes the total value of dutiable goods manufactured and removed plus the total value of output services provided plus the total value of exempted services provided, during the preceding financial year and D denotes total CENVAT credit taken on inputs during the month minus A;
(iii) the amount attributable to input services used in or in relation to manufacture of exempted goods and their clearance up to the place of removal or provision of exempted services (provisional) = (E/F) multiplied by G, where E denotes total value of exempted services provided plus the total value of exempted goods manufactured and removed during the preceding financial year, F denotes total value of output and exempted services provided, and total value of dutiable and exempted goods manufactured and removed, during the preceding financial year, and G denotes total CENVAT credit taken on input services during the month;
(c) the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service, shall determine finally the amount of CENVAT credit attributable to exempted goods and exempted services for the whole financial year in the following manner, namely:-
(i) the amount of CENVAT credit attributable to inputs used in or in relation to manufacture of exempted goods, on the basis of total quantity of inputs used in or in relation to manufacture of said exempted goods, denoted as H;
(ii) the amount of CENVAT credit attributable to inputs used for provision of exempted services = (J/K) multiplied by L, where J denotes the total value of exempted services provided during the financial year, K denotes the total value of dutiable goods manufactured and removed plus the total value of output services provided plus the total value of exempted services provided, during the financial year and L denotes total CENVAT credit taken on inputs during the financial year minus H;
(iii) the amount attributable to input services used in or in relation to manufacture of exempted goods and their clearance up to the place of removal or provision of exempted services = (M/N) multiplied by P, where M denotes total value of exempted services provided plus the total value of exempted goods manufactured and removed during the financial year, N denotes total value of output and exempted services provided, and total value of dutiable and exempted goods manufactured and removed, during the financial year, and P denotes total CENVAT credit taken on input services during the financial year;
(d) the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service, shall pay an amount equal to the difference between the aggregate amount determined as per condition (c) and the aggregate amount determined and paid as per condition (b), on or before the 30th June of the succeeding financial year, where the amount determined as per condition (c) is more than the amount paid;
(e) the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service, shall, in addition to the amount short-paid, be liable to pay interest at the rate of twenty-four per cent. per annum from the due date, i.e., 30th June till the date of payment, where the amount short-paid is not paid within the said due date;
(f) where the amount determined as per condition (c) is less than the amount determined and paid as per condition (b), the said manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service may adjust the excess amount on his own, by taking credit of such amount;
(g) the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service shall intimate to the jurisdictional Superintendent of Central Excise, within a period of fifteen days from the date of payment or adjustment, as per condition (d) and (f) respectively, the following particulars, namely:-
(i) details of CENVAT credit attributable to exempted goods and exempted services, monthwise, for the whole financial year, determined provisionally as per condition (b),
(ii) CENVAT credit attributable to exempted goods and exempted services for the whole financial year, determined as per condition (c),
(iii) amount short paid determined as per condition (d), alongwith the date of payment of the amount short-paid,
(iv) interest payable and paid, if any, on the amount short-paid, determined as per condition (e), and
(v) credit taken on account of excess payment, if any, determined as per condition (f);
(h) where the amount equivalent to CENVAT credit attributable to exempted goods or exempted services cannot be determined provisionally, as prescribed in condition (b), due to reasons that no dutiable goods were manufactured and no output service was provided in the preceding financial year, then the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service is not required to determine and pay such amount provisionally for each month, but shall determine the CENVAT credit attributable to exempted goods or exempted services for the whole year as prescribed in condition (c) and pay the amount so calculated on or before 30th June of the succeeding financial year.
(i) where the amount determined under condition (h) is not paid within the said due date, i.e., the 30th June, the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service shall, in addition to the said amount, be liable to pay interest at the rate of twenty-four per cent. per annum from the due date till the date of payment.
(3B) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1), (2) and (3), a banking company and a financial institution including a non-banking financial company, engaged in providing services by way of extending deposits, loans or advances, shall pay for every month an amount equal to fifty per cent. of the CENVAT credit availed on inputs and input services in that month.
(3C) Omitted
(3D) Payment of an amount under sub-rule (3) shall be deemed to be CENVAT credit not taken for the purpose of an exemption notification wherein any exemption is granted on the condition that no CENVAT credit of inputs and input services shall be taken.
Explanation I. - “Value” for the purpose of sub-rules (3) and (3A),—
(a) shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under section 67 of the Finance Act, read with rules made thereunder or, as the case may be, the value determined under section 3, 4 or 4A of the Excise Act, read with rules made thereunder;
(b) in the case of a taxable service, when the option available under sub-rules (7),(7A),(7B) or (7C) of rule 6 of the Service Tax Rules, 1994, has been availed, shall be the value on which the rate of service tax under section 66B of the Finance Act, read with an exemption notification, if any, relating to such rate, when applied for calculation of service tax results in the same amount of tax as calculated under the option availed; or
(c) in case of trading, shall be the difference between the sale price and the cost of goods sold (determined as per the generally accepted accounting principles without including the expenses incurred towards their purchase) or ten per cent of the cost of goods sold, whichever is more.
(d) in case of trading of securities, shall be the difference between the sale price and the purchase price of the securities traded or one per cent. of the purchase price of the securities traded, whichever is more.
(e) shall not include the value of services by way of extending deposits, loans or advances in so far as the consideration is represented by way of interest or discount;
Explanation II. - The amount mentioned in sub-rules (3), (3A), and (3B), unless specified otherwise, shall be paid by the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service by debiting the CENVAT credit or otherwise on or before the 5th day of the following month except for the month of March, when such payment shall be made on or before the 31st day of the month of March
Explanation III. - If the manufacturer of goods or the provider of output service fails to pay the amount payable under sub-rule (3), (3A), and (3B), it shall be recovered, in the manner as provided in rule 14, for recovery of CENVAT credit wrongly taken.
Explanation IV.- In case of a manufacturer who avails the exemption under a notification based on the value of clearances in a financial year and a service provider who is an individual or proprietary firm or partnership firm, the expressions, “following month” and “month of March” occurring in sub-rules (3) and (3A) shall be read respectively as “following quarter” and “quarter ending with the month of March”.
(4) No CENVAT credit shall be allowed on capital goods which are used exclusively in the manufacture of exempted goods or in providing exempted services, other than the final products which are exempt from the whole of the duty of excise leviable thereon under any notification where exemption is granted based upon the value or quantity of clearances made in a financial year.
(5) [Omitted]
(6) The provisions of sub-rules (1), (2), (3) and (4) shall not be applicable in case the excisable goods removed without payment of duty are either-
(i) cleared to a unit in a special economic zone or to a developer of a special economic zone for their authorized operations; or
(ii) cleared to a hundred per cent. export-oriented undertaking; or
(iii) cleared to a unit in an Electronic Hardware Technology Park or Software Technology Park; or
(iv) supplied to the United Nations or an international organization for their official use or supplied to projects funded by them, on which exemption of duty is available under notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.108/95-Central Excise, dated the 28th August, 1995, number G. S R. 602 (E), dated the 28th August, 1995; or
(iva) supplied for the use of foreign diplomatic missions or consular missions or career consular offices or diplomatic agents in terms of the provisions of notification No. 12/2012-Central Excise, dated the 17th March, 2012, number G.S.R. 163(E), dated the 17th March, 2012; or
(v) cleared for export under bond in terms of the provisions of the Central Excise Rules, 2002; or
(vi) gold or silver falling within Chapter 71 of the said First Schedule, arising in the course of manufacture of copper or zinc by smelting; or.
(vii) all goods which are exempt from the duties of customs leviable under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) and the additional duty leviable under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Customs Tariff Act when imported into India and are supplied,—
(a) against International Competitive Bidding; or
(b) to a power project from which power supply has been tied up through tariff based competitive bidding; or
(c) to a power project awarded to a developer through tariff based competitive bidding,
in terms of notification No. 12/2012-Central Excise, dated the 17th March, 2012, dated the 17th March, 2012.
(viii) supplies made for setting up of solar power generation projects or facilities
(7) The provisions of sub-rules (1), (2), (3) and (4) shall not be applicable in case the taxable services are provided, without payment of service tax, to a unit in a Special Economic Zone or to a developer of a Special Economic Zone for their authorised operations or when a service is exported,
(8) For the purpose of this rule, a service provided or agreed to be provided shall not be an exempted service when:-
(a) the service satisfies the conditions specified under rule 6A of the Service Tax Rules, 1994 and the payment for the service is to be received in convertible foreign currency; and
(b) such payment has not been received for a period of six months or such extended period as maybe allowed from time-to-time by the Reserve Bank of India, from the date of provision.
Provided that if such payment is received after the specified or extended period allowed by the Reserve Bank of India but within one year from such period, the service provider shall be entitled to take the credit of the amount equivalent to the CENVAT credit paid earlier in terms of sub rule (3) to the extent it relates to such payment, on the basis of documentary evidence of the payment so received.